Tuesday 23 August 2016

Short Modernist poems

Here are some interesting short poems.

Let us analyse and identify  modernist metaphors/symbols/images from the given poems:-

1.) ‘The Embankment‘- T. E. Hulme

London's Embankment,well known for homeless people , 'A fallen-gentelman' reflects on his past. 'Finesse of fiddles' suggesting musical gathering and beautiful of women , give the flash of gold heels on the hard pavement. This is very kind of poem ,written in England few years before and many poem had written about 'Fallen gentelman'.This poem end with a heartfelt entreaty to the heaven with the poems speakers god to make a blanket of the starrysky so that the speakers wish for warmth might've granted.The internal rhyme of the poem Cold , Gold , old , Fold star is the only seen in the night and connected with the light.star -eaten as breathing a new life and warm in life less.

2.) "Darkness" - Joseph Campbell
  Joseph Campbell poem 'Darkness' talk about the darkness in the night and tells the importance of the star in the  dark sky . " Star " is the remove the darkness . without star skyvis totally dark and not beautiful when star is not there. Star is the also symbol of the 'Fall' .

3.) 'Image' - Edward Storer

The ' Frosken lovers ' are burning with isolation.This poem reflects the disillusionment and the brokenness of civilization especially after the World war.Frosken means to leave . In this poem ' Frosken lovers burning ' its means love is destroyed in burning and they prayers of loneliness and drought.

4.) "In a station of the Metro" - Ezra Pound

This poem is imagist poem. This poem Imagism focus on economy of language, precision of imagery , metro itself a symbol of modern world. The application of these faces in the crowd, petals on a wet , black bough. Rhymic quality is the very long and lambic , petals on a wet black bough , have alrady fallen on to the forest floor.Here crowd represent the people and bough it means branch of tree. They represent the our society and our culture.

5.) 'The Pool' - Hilda Doolittle

    In this poem someone is almost dead in pool. when we listen pool word on that time always in our mind meaning came it is swimming pool and other one is water storage , but here connected with 'sea fish ' as same thing in the weastland we discusses about the artificial city of london.

6.) "Insouciance" – Richard Aldington

In the poem so many images are there ' Dreary trenches ' is one of the images in this poem . And Deary trenches means  "Darkhole". Even another words like " Trudging " which is represent the images of person who has to work slowly. " cheerily" is also one words. In this poem poet face the so many ups and down in their life but " dreary tranches "word he is use in poetry as a metaphors  for a ups and down in his life.

7.) Morning at the Window - T. S. Eliot

In this poem we can find images of “dullness” and “dead spirit”. Here we  can refer  the first part “the burial of dead” of T.S Eliot’s “The Wasteland” in this poem also we can find negativity all around. In this part Eliot used the image of “dull roots”, “snow” and “a heap of broken images”.

8.) The Red Wheelbarrow -William Carlos Williams

William in this poem uses the few words and descriptive terms to created an image.There are red wheelbarrows glazed with rain water beside white chicken for all of us . The white chicken maybe try to hide from rain and wheel is also beside that have chicken.Red wheel and white chicken that is all symbol.in this poem poet try to say through is poetry about human being .

9.) Anecdote of the Jar- Wallace Stevens

Anecdote of the jar is an imagist poem in which Stevens explores  the question of the superiority between are and nature. This poem telling us incident in the past. The jar is and art object made by human being artistic jar is the symbole of the human genration. jar as a symbole of the imagination. Here poet discuss , about the state " Tennessee" In the USA . In this poet placed a jar on the hill. Stevens central concerns in his poetry is the treatment of the 'problem' of reality versus imagination .

10.) ‘l (a‘- E. E. Cummings





Here we can find the title is that " A life falls on loneliness ". There is on words like ' Fall ' which represent the state of dullness . Here we can see leaf fall from the tree but after fallen leaf become lonely and even loneliness it means saration.

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