Wednesday 3 August 2016

Teaching as a second language by Omkar.n.koul

Teaching of English language as a second language :- by Omkar. N.Koul.

Teaching of English as a secongld language is faced with various problems at different levels. some such promlbles are suggestion are made for adopting appropriate strategies at the school level.
The developing countries very rightly view the English language not merely as the language onece used for administrative convenience by the alien rulers but as a vehicle for acquiring modern scientific and technical knowledge crucial for economic development.
As far as the use of English in education is concerned their are 2basic rules attached to it :
  1) Teaching of English as a subject
  2) The use of English as the medium
      of instruction.
First of all it is important to adopt a language policy at the national level and define the role of English in education.
The English language teaching in no manner should come in conflict with the teaching of other regional language. The language policy may specify the levels of its teaching as a subjects.
secondly it is important to develop a need based language curriculum for the teaching of English as a second language. An important task is to specify the general aims and objectives of English language teaching keeping in view the requirements of the people.
In a second language teaching situation it is regarded necessary to imparts instruction in the four basic language skill - listening , speaking , reading , writing .
Different types of syllabuses  - grammatical , structural , situational , national , communicative all this types of materials available on the teacher's training language teaching  methods and prevaient testing system.
The aims and objectives of teaching of English at three levels of school education :-
1)  Level 1( primary level 1to 5 year of           schooling ) 
2)  Level 2 ( middle level 6 to 8,years of schooling )
3)  Level  3 ( higher level 9to 12 years of schooling )

In the Level 1 coaterials maybe graded to introduced simple basic structure with the healp of drills and exercises. in this student must be communicate in English with each other within the range of simple structure and vocabulary.
In the level 2 emphasis on spoken english should continue .there are must be emphasis on the practical use of the language rather than discussion of it.
The students may be encouraged to adapt the text conversations to real situation as far as possible and try to personalisc them. in this level  teachers can make use of photographs , pictures givien in the text , posters etc.
In the level 3 the student should be trained in the reading comprehension skill to enable them:-
  - To use grammatical clues
  - pragmatic facts
  - vocabulary resources.
The aims and objectives of teaching English as a second language as illustrated can be achieved in individualized programmed instruction for these students who are unable to attended formal classes in any institution.

Conclusion :-
English will continue to play   an important role in education in India for years to come.
The language policy defining the role of English , curriculum planing , designing of the syllabus , selection material and audio visual aids, teaching methodology all in the this essay .

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