Saturday 23 July 2016

Teaching english as a second language in india : focus on objective

    Teaching English as a second language in India : Focus on objectives :-  by
               shivendra . k . verma :-

In this essay we have to seen so many language like a First language , second language, foreign language , and classical language. but after that we only focus on the objects of the teaching English as a second language in India. what is the important of the second language in India and what reason people like most or all this thing we have to discuss in this essay.
  These range from sociable use if language for phatic communication and network of communicative uses to its use at highest level of , cognition , catharsis , and self expression.language in a multilingual setting from a system network. The nation of link language or lingua France has an important significance in a multilingual setting.
  Teaching is not a unidirectional process of pumping bits and pieces of unrelated and undigested gobbets of into empty sacks. it is a bidirectional , interactional process.the main objective at every level of teaching should be to healp learners learn how to draw out their latent creativity.
 Every learner is born with a built in language -learning mechanism. Learning a language is not just a question of learning to produced sentences and utterances which are grammatical and acceptable they must be approoriate.
 Each of the four major skill : reading , writing , speaking , and understanding is composed of a hierarchy of subskill.
 Functionally-determined sub- categories:
1- First language L1
2- second language L2
3- foreign language
4- classical language
In the first language L1 is used for performing all the essential , personal functions. L1 is an indispensable instruments if national culture. learning through the mother tongue is the most potent and comprehensive medium for the expression of the students entire personality. as well as second language L2 is also as an auxility or associate language , solt-filler performing function which are not normally performed by L1
English as a second language that is the international link language. Some time l2 language people  most of the use in the official language and even give the instruction at the all level and particular level. even in the foreign language it is used by the selected groups. in the  foreign language direct access to the speakers of these language and their culture. as well as classical language like Sanskrit language access to ancient culture , learning and philosophy of life, and is contribute to the intellectual enrichment  of its learners .
 objectives of teaching  English as a second language in India ,
 the objectives have to be formulated in the light  perceive our needs for English to be in multilingual setting at both national and individual levels.
 At the national level english must serve as our window on the word as the language in which nearly all contemporary knowledge is accessible.
English will be important for industrial and economic development . as the associate official language an international link language , this connected with all are place . even English as a window on the world.

At the individual level , English continues to be the language of opportunity and the language of upward social mobility.

English has important function in communication of diverse types. teaching will have to try to impact certain minimal competence in these skills.

Teachers and learners are the greatest resources available to any society. The main goal of our society our educational system should be provide the climate and facilities.


T.S Eliot The Waste land

1 : The wasteland is a masterpiece of renowned english poet T.S Eliot. This poem “ The waste Land” is based upon chistanity. Eliot believe in the god and in this poem so many myth are their nietzsche said God is Dead he doesn’t believe in any power like God. He believed in Superhuman ,T.S.Eliot believes in spirituality and religion.Friedrich Nietzsche's concept seems to be progressive and and foreword looking solution to problem of crisis in faith and self as well as Eliot in The waste land regressive and backward looking. T.S Eliot believe in religious and spiritual. 
2 : in the second question Eliot believes and follows the tradition for 'salvation'.Freud and Eliot they both are think differently each other.Freud believe in collecting and individual balance which should constantly take in to account man's primitive instincts. A man can learn through his experience so something in the mind which proves sense for new. According to Eliot salvation of man lies in the preservation of the culture tradition. Salvation present the idea of the giver not primitiveness and self control it is also salvation .According to the Eliot ' there was a time of darkness and culture was almost dying , that was the time of the the first world war.
3: T.S Eliot in this poem ,The Waste Land uses many reference like Buddhism , Christianity , myth , Spiritual degradation prevalent etc.
In this poem last of “The Waste land – What the Thunder said”in which find out the direct reference of Indian which Eliot talk about three DA. it is taken from upnishads.
Datta – Giver
Dayadhvam – compassion
Damyata – Self -control.
Datta: What have we given?
My friend blood shaking my heart
The awful daring of a moment's surrender
Which an age of prudence can never retract
By this, and this only, we have existed
Which is not to be found in our obituraies
or in memories draped by the beneficient spider
Or under seals broken by the lean solicitor
In our empty rooms
Dayadhvam: I have heard the key
Turn in the door once and turn once only
We think of the key, each in his prision
Thinking of the key, each confirms a prison
Only at nightfall, aetherial rumours
Revive for a moment a broken coriolanus
Damyata: The boat responded
Gaily, to the hand expert with sail and oar
The sea was calm, your heart would have
Gaily, when invited, beating obedient
To controlling hands
I sat upon the shore
Fishing, with the arid plain behind me
Shall I at least set my lands in order?"

At last he uses
“Shantih shantih shantih”
Eliot use Shanti Shatni Shanti ..... in the last line of the poem .
Aslo take the refrence of the river of Ganga.

Thank you .

Thursday 21 July 2016

Teaching of english : A plea for practical attitude

Teaching of English:A plea for practical Attitude :-
 by R.K.Singh

 English in India us a potentiolal language resource. It is important to developed tolerance and positive altitude towards English.English has been long adopted and firmly established as link language by our national leaders during the after and freedom struggles not only for mutual communication and coexistence but also for saving the republic form small state nationalism.

 As we all know English its roots in our country as a language if national resurgence , political awakening and cultural unification and happily , continues to grow as such in its localised way.
English is also functioning is also already as a link language in the present day global village not necessarily for reason of quality for political and historical reason. in now a day English language use the 750million people around the world it either as a first or second language.its not just matter if convenience that English should be used universally .and even in India use the English language with the 'associate official languages.
  we all are agree to see English as a natural language of communication without identifying it with the UK or the USA .
write quote George Steiner : " To know another language well, to experience in personal immediacy the transparencies or opaquesness which link or divide it form one's native speech - to do these things is quite literally, to harvest a second self , it is open a second window on the landscape of being".
 language tensions are normal in a world when over 6000 language coexist in 160 countries , like in India as we know very well in our country
 - 850 million people used the - 1650 language,
 - dialects including more than 200 classified language
15 constitutionally recognised language of  national importance.

  If we teach English as a means of communication , we should also understand the essence of communication is meaningful interaction between participants , be it in the context of speaking , listening , writing or reading.

 The teaching about the language but presenting and practising with a such language items that learners may need in real life .

 This should help in achieving the second objective , that is providing activities from which they know they are leatning .

we have yo give then opportunity to use language in intelligent and relevant interaction.
The third objective relates to motivating the students to experience success to make them believe it is possible.

Teacher to keep in mind various approaches rather than a specific method .
The main different between an approaches and a method is that the former student is flexible while the latter is rigid.

Teaching English should be seen as an opportunity to explore and understand , to question and argue , to learn and to retain something new , somthing different via language. English language is the give opportunities to all who person this who make something diffrents and it is really to help full to all.

socio culture dimendion of english as a second language

Socio- culture Dimension of English as a second Language :-
Rekha Aslam.

 The form of English language and the social sturtucre and culture sensitive of the Indian culture. As we know that in our Indian culture so many languages in our soicety. tmThe inadian reality is manifested at many leavel of language organization from borrowing , metaphor , symbolism etc.
English is taught in india as a second language . And is this relevant to the Indian reality ?  The creative writing of Indian writers who have a near native control of the linguistic codes illustrate how English is used
 creatively and there by socio cultural code infused in it.
Christopher son difference of foreign and second language on the following :
1- A foreign language is used for the purpose of absorbing the culture of other nation
2- A second language is used an alternative way of expressing a culture of one's own.
3- A foreign language tends to produced biliguals with the passive and receptive attitude.
4- While a second language produced a bilinguals with active and creative interest.
Language is another isolated entity but it is deeply rooted in the socio-culture ,religious etc.
in India a very interesting situation operates. India being a multilingual country , English serves as a link language across the nation.
The first things is to the basic vocabulary cloths , food items ,fauna ,many basic vocabulary in second language .
In certain cases an equivalent word is available in English yet the native word is used. A case in a point is Markandaya. she retains a Chakkli ,for cobbler , zamindar for landlord , chowkidar for watchman in order to capture the socio-culture  aspect because of intence a cobbler is a cobbler ,stop but when one say chakkli a whole hierarchy of caste profession etc.
An attempt has been made to explore the creative dimension of English ,second language in India.
A lots of semiotics also finds its way in Indian literature .one example is Ira's behaviour she stopped low , keeping her eyes down' and so on.
The kind of imagery , mataphor , and symbolism used in the novel give the language a distinct tang.
An attempt has been made to explore the creative dimension if English , second language in india. thats type this paper helps us see how the socio culture reality manifested at many levels of language.

satan and saraswati double face of english in india

Satan and Saraswatuli: The Double Face of English in India :- E . ANNAMALAY

English plays a conflicting double role in India in policy and practice in public platform and private choice and in symbolic allegiance and instrumental use .English is the official language and English language which had also institutional and instrumental function on that time when India attained freedom. As well as Hindi and Hindustani as the national language of the new nation.When India became the republic until  which time English will continues to be the official language s authorised by the PM of we know that very well now a day hindi is the national language and its a use for the the personal communication even this is the 1st langaguge in some of the state and English is the official language and anywhere any place which we have find English is more superior language and even high courts , and docters degree and all medicine and even in bussines any where English is the used and even Hindi can also used in all are agreement, like legislation in the parliament can also be in Hindi with English translation and when they are in English they must be accompanied by Hindi taranslation . English and hindi versions will be authoritative texts.
       English language as the medium of the education at the primary and higher school and even the collage lavel . Now a day English medium is the prestigious and in the grate demand.english is the most healp full in the higher eduction and specially that time when student will go to study for abroad on that time it will be healpfull . Indian language medium available in many colleges particular in arts AMD humanities at the UG level. After the second world war the stature and power of English increased internationally in the political and commercial sphereses. the language despised as the language of the Satan is the freedom fighters ,came to be sarasvati the goddes of learning. English had became more and more indianised grammatically and functionally due to is use by large number of indians thanks to increased education , commerce and journalism and the Indian English was no more foregin.
     Anglo- Indian representative in the parliament failed to included English in the schedule of language in the constitution,those who take Indian language medium fore higher education are a small minority and are poor student in scholastically and economically but when then the student of the college level they study in English and has books, reference book all are in the high English.those who student they are study in the Indian language mudium in the all competitive exam for prestigeous jobs are small minority . Now day all youngest people crezy with the English language but in our home we have read news paper in Hindi. like the number of newspaper in English is 3583 in all languages but next this is next only to Hindi which was 5329with circulation number of 14million copies (1982). India is the third largest publisher of books in English after USA and UK and 42% book published in India are in English . now day totally change our socity more and more English medium schools are opened in the private sector.but what happen in our society English medium education is the costly then Indian language medium.
   English was taught as the first language in 1980 in4354 schools as second language in 167,569 school as third language in 61379schools.Third language in all school followed by Hindi and sanskrit. so now here we have to  easily find out what importance of English language and in Indian language in our society.They both are double face in our Indian culture.