Thursday 21 July 2016

satan and saraswati double face of english in india

Satan and Saraswatuli: The Double Face of English in India :- E . ANNAMALAY

English plays a conflicting double role in India in policy and practice in public platform and private choice and in symbolic allegiance and instrumental use .English is the official language and English language which had also institutional and instrumental function on that time when India attained freedom. As well as Hindi and Hindustani as the national language of the new nation.When India became the republic until  which time English will continues to be the official language s authorised by the PM of we know that very well now a day hindi is the national language and its a use for the the personal communication even this is the 1st langaguge in some of the state and English is the official language and anywhere any place which we have find English is more superior language and even high courts , and docters degree and all medicine and even in bussines any where English is the used and even Hindi can also used in all are agreement, like legislation in the parliament can also be in Hindi with English translation and when they are in English they must be accompanied by Hindi taranslation . English and hindi versions will be authoritative texts.
       English language as the medium of the education at the primary and higher school and even the collage lavel . Now a day English medium is the prestigious and in the grate demand.english is the most healp full in the higher eduction and specially that time when student will go to study for abroad on that time it will be healpfull . Indian language medium available in many colleges particular in arts AMD humanities at the UG level. After the second world war the stature and power of English increased internationally in the political and commercial sphereses. the language despised as the language of the Satan is the freedom fighters ,came to be sarasvati the goddes of learning. English had became more and more indianised grammatically and functionally due to is use by large number of indians thanks to increased education , commerce and journalism and the Indian English was no more foregin.
     Anglo- Indian representative in the parliament failed to included English in the schedule of language in the constitution,those who take Indian language medium fore higher education are a small minority and are poor student in scholastically and economically but when then the student of the college level they study in English and has books, reference book all are in the high English.those who student they are study in the Indian language mudium in the all competitive exam for prestigeous jobs are small minority . Now day all youngest people crezy with the English language but in our home we have read news paper in Hindi. like the number of newspaper in English is 3583 in all languages but next this is next only to Hindi which was 5329with circulation number of 14million copies (1982). India is the third largest publisher of books in English after USA and UK and 42% book published in India are in English . now day totally change our socity more and more English medium schools are opened in the private sector.but what happen in our society English medium education is the costly then Indian language medium.
   English was taught as the first language in 1980 in4354 schools as second language in 167,569 school as third language in 61379schools.Third language in all school followed by Hindi and sanskrit. so now here we have to  easily find out what importance of English language and in Indian language in our society.They both are double face in our Indian culture.

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