Thursday 21 July 2016

socio culture dimendion of english as a second language

Socio- culture Dimension of English as a second Language :-
Rekha Aslam.

 The form of English language and the social sturtucre and culture sensitive of the Indian culture. As we know that in our Indian culture so many languages in our soicety. tmThe inadian reality is manifested at many leavel of language organization from borrowing , metaphor , symbolism etc.
English is taught in india as a second language . And is this relevant to the Indian reality ?  The creative writing of Indian writers who have a near native control of the linguistic codes illustrate how English is used
 creatively and there by socio cultural code infused in it.
Christopher son difference of foreign and second language on the following :
1- A foreign language is used for the purpose of absorbing the culture of other nation
2- A second language is used an alternative way of expressing a culture of one's own.
3- A foreign language tends to produced biliguals with the passive and receptive attitude.
4- While a second language produced a bilinguals with active and creative interest.
Language is another isolated entity but it is deeply rooted in the socio-culture ,religious etc.
in India a very interesting situation operates. India being a multilingual country , English serves as a link language across the nation.
The first things is to the basic vocabulary cloths , food items ,fauna ,many basic vocabulary in second language .
In certain cases an equivalent word is available in English yet the native word is used. A case in a point is Markandaya. she retains a Chakkli ,for cobbler , zamindar for landlord , chowkidar for watchman in order to capture the socio-culture  aspect because of intence a cobbler is a cobbler ,stop but when one say chakkli a whole hierarchy of caste profession etc.
An attempt has been made to explore the creative dimension of English ,second language in India.
A lots of semiotics also finds its way in Indian literature .one example is Ira's behaviour she stopped low , keeping her eyes down' and so on.
The kind of imagery , mataphor , and symbolism used in the novel give the language a distinct tang.
An attempt has been made to explore the creative dimension if English , second language in india. thats type this paper helps us see how the socio culture reality manifested at many levels of language.

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