Thursday 16 March 2017

Poems of Robert Frost

  Poems of Robert Frost 

Image result for images of the robert frost

  Introduction :-

Frost has nature poet, his poem in sweetness of native land, tree, journey of men life, seasons, leaves, birds, water, stream, jungle, farm, forest etc portrayed them. We not see that Wordsworth poem in nature, emotions, feeling and sensitive, but we see that collage of images and how human life at connected to nature and one massages gives them his most of the end in poem and as we say that he is nature poet. so now we explain to frost poem.

1. Fire and ice

Image result for images of the robert frost poems  fire and ice


In this poem we see that someone people say that the world will be end to fire and ice. We can gives our desire or hate are complicated them and Fire and ice are, after all, the inextricable complementarities of one apocalyptic vision in world.

And we can think that it discusses the end of the world like the elements force of fire with the emotional desire, and other sides ice with our hate them.
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.

In poem has to gives two kinds of thought and also we can argues that Robert frost desire and hate, has to his own experience in this poem. We see that in the poem style and structure watch that frost gives singular “I” has poet himself, and it is written in single sentence. The poem’s meter is an irregular mix of iambic tetrameter and rhyme schemes are irregular. In the poem ‘Is also great, and would suffice’ -it means that poet himself is confused and his own life experience of the world has to gives ideas to Fire and ice.


2. Stopping by woods



In this poem we see that frost gives image of forest. He was goes them and near by the beauty of world. How snow evening in some woods are lovely, dark and deeps. Frost claimed that he wrote it in a single nighttime sitting. They make a strong claim to be the most celebrated instance of repetition in English poetry. The first “And miles to go before I sleep”. In the poem something should be good or bad happens that. We see that narrator himself was near to nature but may some fear.

And how frost gives reality of civilization, society, religious, responsibility, duty of them. They are restful, seductive, lovely, dark, and deep. Not that we must return too often to that darkest interpretation of the poem. Beauty alone is a sufficient siren; a sufficient protection against her seduction is an unwillingness to give up on society despite the responsibilities it imposes. In this poem main themes like that:

§ Youth and the Loss of Innocence
§ good and evil
§ Self-Knowledge Through Nature
§ community and isolation

3. Mending wall


In the poem, we see that neighbor and poet himself built to wall. Just only for their relations are good. When you create a wall the inside and outside relationships are better. The poet became modern thinking and the neighbor was old mindset.

So he believes that to build to wall and may wall to great thought in their leave life and meet together only for preparing wall. Whenever you meet they talk about to wall. They never remove the wall. Because of that: “Good fences makes good neighbor”.

4. Gift outright


The poem famous for having been read by author at P.M. Kennedy’s argument on 1961. In poem relationship of America and problem of other country land. It is 16 iambic pentameters. “The land was ours before we were the land”. He explain that history and political the formations of American country. The ‘gift’ title itself problematic and American could not be accept without surrender to it. The land gave itself to its citizen while America was still a British colony.
So that its people did not process. It but merely inhabited it. In P.M. speak to native land he said to ‘Her people’ it means to American. The poem title gift to be earned by both sides before becoming a gift an “Outright”.

5. Design 


Frost “Design” is a meditation on human attempts to see in the universal and human failure at perceiving the order that is actually present in nature. The speaker says that perceives what he takes to be a significant coincident. And the speculates can see that Design of nature that it implies is quite different from anything he suggests.
A white spider sits on a white flower holding up a white moth. Here it is ‘white’ something should not true, honest, good and pure, peace. It is something should be bad and evil. In the poem white spider has dangers and white moth die. It may be spider eating to moth. Moth becomes victim. Whiteness should be evil, dark and not to light in them. It may be that nature design has something bad.

5. Home burial


The poem in two characters like husband and wife. Both are unhappy only for his child die. A woman is passive. And the man is taking more compared to women it is practical. In poem wife has lose his first child as son. She told to his husband that she suffocated this house. And she was sad and upset. She wanted leave the house.

We will find man is more practical may be it is easy for man to be accepting his child was dying. Wife was standing to widow and see his child grave. But for women it is not that much easy she says that “mother loss of a first child”. We find the man as (Father, Husband) is powerful than women.

So we see that frost poem in Nature was center. Most of poem in evil and good as to be problems create them. Frost gives image of realism, relationships, naturalism, beauty etc.

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